Faith in Medicine
AUG 12-15
Videos available!
Recordings from the 2021 Nordic Meeting are now available online. Please feel free to use them as a resource to equip and send medical professionals into the mission field, here and abroad.
Welcome to Nordic ICMDA-meeting in Gothenburg 2021!
We live in troubled times and need to come together from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden in order to better understand today’s challenges and our calling as believers in Jesus Christ. Students in the health professions, junior doctors, specialized colleagues and retired medics, let’s meet, listen and interact concerning the issues of our time.
The gospel is more relevant than ever in the midst of a pandemic, climate change, identity politics, totalitarian regimes on the rise, and massive propaganda as well as increased secularization of the west both in society in general as well as in the church.
Gothenburg is lovely in August and a limited number can meet in the venues suggested in the program. If you are not able to travel to Gothenburg, join the meeting over the internet.
The general outline of the Nordic ICMDA-meeting is according to the schedule and application form. Please register today on our website www.kristnalakare.se.
Special program for students!
All students are welcome to stay for the conference in Christian doctor’s or student’s homes. Two to four in each home. You will have to register for this on our website. We will also advertise 10 scholarships on our website.
Wednesday 11th of August at 17:00 students meet in the famous Slottsskogen (park in Gothenburg) for a picnic and fun.
Thursday 12th at 13:00 students go for sightseeing, Skansen Kronan et cetera.
Friday 13th we plan for a barbeque afternoon together with all participants.
Saturday 14th students leave Brethren church at 13:30 for an excursion to the island of Donsö via Saltholmen.
See you in August,
Jovanna Dahlgren
Chairman, KLM
Lars Ljungström
KLM international secretary
Magnus Landgren
Editor, Ars Medicina